
Liebster Award Answers – Survey Says…

Thank you, Diaries Are Too Mainstream, for nominating me for this award. I think people are having some fun with this, so I, too, will join in. Why not?

1. What’s one of your most memorable experiences?

Screaming with my little sister from the sleep cabin of my mom’s truck driver boyfriend’s 18-wheel rig, when she had left us in there to attend a party inside someone’s house. It was dark outside and quite late, and we were only about 7 and 5-years-old at the time. She finally came out and rescued us, shuttling us into a small bedroom with 2 twin beds. I still remember lying in this stranger’s home and being afraid. My little sister crawled out of “her” twin bed and into mine, and we just held one another.

2. What’s something you regret doing?

Not living on my own for any appreciable amount of time.

3. What’s your favourite healthy food?

Hummus. Homemade, by me.

4. And what’s your favourite unhealthy food? 🙂

Hmmm…that’s a real toughie. I think movie popcorn is way up there!

5. If you could be an animal what would it be and why?

I would be a Nightingale. They are beautiful birds with a lovely call, and they sing at night. Mythologically, they are said to sing love songs.

6. What’s your favourite type of music and on what type of situations you listen to it?

Also a hard one to answer because I love so many types of music. I’m an 80’s girls at heart, though, so my go-to music is 80’s pop. I love the soundtrack to Pretty in Pink, but I also adore Madonna, Duran Duran, Billy Idol, Kajagoogoo, Cyndi Lauper, Taylor Dayne, Laura Branigan, Breathe, Hall & Oates, Phil Collins and Billy Joel, to name a few. I tend to listen to 80’s music when I want to feel younger or am feeling nostalgic. It’s like eating a favorite food, to listen to that sort of music.

7. What’s the most relaxing thing you’ve experienced?

I think it was this certain (not illegal) drug I tried once. I was TOTALLY relaxed. However, it freaked me out to feel that way, so I never tried it again.

8. What’s your favourite quote?

“I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing.” –Anais Nin

9. What’s the most difficult part of learning to play an instrument (in this case cello)?

Not letting my unfortunate desire for perfection dampen my enthusiasm. It takes time (which one must carve out), patience (not impaling oneself on one’s bow out of frustration, as well as having the World Most Patient Teacher), and the constant reminder that errors pave the way to improvement.

10. If you could choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why?

I would choose age 6. I have a vision of my younger sister and I playing in the snow outside our house, and our parents being happy. And us being a happy family together…laughing and cuddling to good music. I remember running down the stairs to greet my father after my mom had announced, “Daddy’s home!” from across the house…just flinging myself onto him and gripping his slacks. Wrapping myself around his legs and inhaling the polished leather smell of his shoes. “Daddy!” I would say, over and over. My daddy made me snow cream at Christmas out of snow, milk, sugar and vanilla extract. My daddy rescued a baby rabbit once and showed it to me and my baby sister. We were so happy. But then it got away (we later learned it had died, but Daddy and Mommy hadn’t the heart to inform us). My daddy traveled all over the world and brought me interesting souvenirs from different countries. My mommy was beautiful and glamorous, captivating men and women alike with her charms and laughter.

11. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you?

A flint, a tarp, and a desalination kit. (I watch Doomsday Preppers. And I watched Lost, too.)

Now, apparently I am supposed to nominate someone else to answer questions that I have made up. I am going to nominate Tankgirl, however, I will totally understand if you don’t want to continue this! You are really supposed to nominate 11 people, but I am not going to do that. So, Tankgirl, if you feel up to it, here are 11 questions for you (and if you feel like nominating someone to do the same, feel free):

1. What is your favorite food?
2. What do you think of sweaters?
3. What was your favorite TV show of ALL TIME?
4. Do you drink coffee or tea, and if so, how do you take it?
5. What is your favorite song?
6. Do you sleep with or without noise?
7. What sort of exercise do you enjoy best?
8. Which of your tattoos is your favorite and why?
9. What do you love about your flat?
10. What is the best thing about dogs?
11. Do you think Facebook is getting more fun, or more annoying?


One thought on “Liebster Award Answers – Survey Says…

  1. Thanks for taking the challenge 🙂 As a non native speaker I even learnt some new animals and foods in English 😉 And now that I read the answers, I think I asked the right questions and I also loved the answer for the question about the most relaxing experience.

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