
Back to Workin’ It

Friday I was 156.8 – this was an improvement over the prior week (158.6). I want to especially thank my friend R. who helped re-motivate me when I was feeling somewhat blah. Now R. and I and several of our other friends are participating in a supportive women’s group that is concentrating on weight loss and improved wellness. Support ALWAYS helps.

You may remember last year when I got down to 139, my lowest in SO LONG. I can’t say precisely what happened that “caused” my re-gain but there were a few things that contributed. I re-introduced meat into my diet. (When I eliminated meat from my diet, I lost 10 lbs.) There were some personal challenges I dealt with concerning marriage and children. And I think as the scale went up (I was still weighing most of the Fridays), I thought I could get a handle on it when needed. But finally I had to admit, it was out of hand (this was when I got into the 150’s). So I’m just happy to be back on it!

I feel good. I’m exercising, hydrating, and doing guided meditation most days. It’s important to express the inner and outer gratitude for what we have. I’m practicing cello EVERY DAY. That is a 1st for me. I told my teacher last week that I wished I could do that (practice for a short session daily as opposed to just a few times a week for a painfully long time because I am trying to cover everything). And it dawned on me that I can do it. It’s all about prioritizing. If cello means THAT MUCH to me, then I am going to have to make time. I am going to NOT-DO some things, and that’s that.

This week I need to do something I haven’t done in many months: weight/resistance training.

This all started with a shoulder injury many months ago, and I had no idea how it happened. I had to stop playing viola and stop lifting weights or really anything on that side. Long story short, it has cleared up. I still experience some strain on that side if I play viola (more than about 3 songs), but I also have it a bit on the other side if I play cello for a long time (although I can play for considerably longer). I think I am just getting old. I’m deteriorating in some ways. It’s life. It’s what happens. I wish I could say, we just don’t break down and the clock can be stopped or turned back. But, no, that’s just not true. So, we have to do our best–if we care–to be in optimal health for the time we are here. To try to stay ahead of that time when we aren’t able to do as much. When our functionality has been considerably lessened…when we as Life’s little gadgets, are worn out and must be put on a shelf. I’m not trying to be depressing, but the time will come for all of us unless we are taken out in some accident.

I want to be around for a very long time, and be of service to others–particularly to my children. If they choose to marry, have children, etc., I’d like to be able to help them. I’d like to be able to help others. I know that this phase of my life–of taking care of the house while working part-time and spending most of my time mothering–is finite. My days are numbered. Different things will happen when my babies leave the nest–and I want to be prepared to embrace those changes with a passion!

Goals for This Week:

1. Eat veggies/fruits daily.
2. Smaller portions of meat.
3. Weight/resistance training.
4. Daily meditation.
5. Cardio 45 min. daily.
6. Hydration – 12 cups (3 of my water bottles).

Be well, everyone!


When I’m thin…

I’m keeping this very short, because its late and I need rest! But since I’m on a 28-day challenge to live more, I’m following my assignment. Hey-I made the commitment to follow the rules daily, so I’m telling you my results to the video for today (link below). And yes, she’s correct-I’m scared to hell about this journey…but you never know until you try. And as Tony Robbins would say, I haven’t tried THIS!

When I’m thin…
Ill be more confident (standing up straight, starting tmrw!)
Ill post more pics of myself and tats
Ill get out there and sell more product
Ill be able to coach ppl on nourishment
Ill buy new clothes
Ill wear a bikini with pride
Ill swim more-maybe take lessons!?!
Ill have more sex
Ill look great in yoga pants and tanks
Ill wear closer-fitting clothes
Ill take a yoga class
Ill wake up earlier and energized
Ill “find time” to go out to more events
Ill hang out with friends more for tea
Ill love myself more
People will love me more
Ill be able to do more expo’s.

PS Barb-sooo great talking to you today! I’ve missed you! Love the blog, btw (just saw it grrrrr)…I love Course in Miracles! Very deep read, tho-I had to put it down for a bit lol. Xoxo here’s a video for all readers, and ESP you, Barb. If you all can, start with video one, pls-so you understand it all a bit more. But video 2 is where the above assignment came from and…the bolder ones are the ones I’m doing immediately! Much love to you all!

Love, Move, Nourish

P.O.S. (Power of Subconscious)

Barb’s last blog was written partly for me, and I thank her deeply!

OK, not exactly, but it WAS exactly what I needed. I had sent her some messages bemoaning my current weight status, and asked her for some help. Truth be told, I had achieved the ten-pound mark, and gained one back…I am exercising (cardio/weights), and eat about 1200 calories a day…by my guess, that’s at least 900 less than it was. I’ve tried two supplements that are meant to increase her metabolism and/or suppress appetite. Nada.

In the last 4 weeks, I’ve lost a total of 3 pounds (which were in the first two weeks). I considered an expensive one that a friend of mine takes…hrg, or something like that? Guaranteed results, it basically programs your body to eat your stored fat, and you eat only 500 calories a day. Crazy, but when you’re at wits end…

And then Barb said something that hasn’t left me yet. “There’s some reason your body wants to stay at that weight.”

Did she just realize what she said?

If you know me, you know how much I believe in the power of the mind. I’ve read books on healing, books on diseases, audio books on how to undo the mind. Of course – that’s it! As Louise Hay would say, there’s a reason I’m holding on to it…security? Power? Control? Only I have that answer, and it’s not the first time that I’ve addressed this issue, and tried to answer it.

I associate the weight with happiness (or irony, how I love thee! Keep following me here). When I was my heaviest when married (about 2000, I guess?), I was somewhere between 195-201. I started a diet, tracking the amount of food I was taking in (I was allowed 5 svngs protein, 2 dairy, 2 fruits, 5 veggies and 1 fat). I lost 50 pounds. When my husband left me Aug 31, 2002, I was 155. In the next 6 months, I partied, worked, and tried to maintain my sanity, with trips to a shrink, 2x a week. I stepped on a scale 6 months after he left, and was horrified to see myself at 118. OK, it was partial horrification-I knew it wasn’t healthy, but DAYUM! I was one skinny bitch! All from drinking, not sleeping much, working a lot, and dancing at clubs? Sweet!

I met Rob in June, and by the time we moved to NY on Aug 31, 2005 (that date has more karma attached to it, than I can share in this blog lol) – I was up to 145-150, I believe? I certainly looked heavier than I do now, though I weigh more now (muscle mass, from 2 years martial arts, thankfully!). By 2007, I was taking hydroxy-crack (when ephedra was still legal, it was THE BEST thing out there!) Rob and I were at the gym a few times a week, and I went down to 135. I was told I looked too thin (seriously, folks? You should have seen me 20 pounds LIGHTER! Too bad I have NO photos to see how unhealthy I may have looked). A short while after that, Rob and I had a bit of trouble, separated, and went through a couple of years of therapy, etc.

We’ve never been happier. And I’ve never been able to shake the weight I’ve gained back. Yes, my body seems “happy at this weight,” because to it, anything lower, means misery and stress. One of the motivational peeps (Tosca Reno, Tony Robbins, etc.) talks about the security weight gives people. You’re not attractive to the opposite sex, you don’t owe anyone anything.

In my current push of doing a commercial for tattoo products, I am forced into seeing and hearing myself on screen. I am surrounded by pics of all these hot, skinny, tatted up chicks. I want to be one of them…I fear Rob seeing me like that, because he might be unhappy with it. And then Sunday, another piece of the puzzle–we’re reviewing footage of the shoot, and he kept commenting about my boobs…while my male friend sat there. I mentioned it later (I couldn’t care less – he didn’t say anything rude, it’s just very out of context for him. I’m usually the guy, when it comes to that sort of stuff)…he said, “it doesn’t matter anymore-we’re married…the rules have changed” Oh…OK. So may he WOULDN’T mind!?!

I looked at a video Rob was showing our commercial videographer when we were reviewing above-said footage…it was a short he was working on in 2007-I had two thoughts when I saw myself briefly. Damn, I was so much thinner! And wow-that was during the beginning of our trouble phase. You can see how the weight is associated with troubled water, so to speak.

Losing weight has meant I was exercising demons of some sort…and though rob says I am a mere shadow of the girl he met, I fear “she” is still in there. Of course she is-I am all aspects of who I have been, I just grow the positive slivers, now. But my subconscious fears pandora opening that box again.

Am I making up all these illusions and dreams, in order to keep feeling like a failure, and never be sexy and tempting, like us evil women are? I suddenly remembered later that day, that my dear friend, is a licensed hypnotist. I’m setting up an appt with her, to reset the subconscious. I obviously am unable to do it myself, so I’m just ever so grateful, that I have the tools to heal on a deeper level. Stay tuned for more on that…

I can say part of my challenge with a treadmill or any cardio machine inside of a building, is sheer and utter boredom. You’re like a hamster in a wheel…going, going, going…nowhere. I can usually just enjoy the music, and visualize my goal, the past when I was thinner and turn it into something positive, etc. But not tues. I was trying barbs workout style, for the first time (walk, run, repeat) – though I’ve been able to successfully run 7min straight, 2 min into that day’s run, seemed like torture. I was having trouble breathing, heart rate was too high, and it just seemed to suck! Then I remembered what she told me-when she wants to give up, she’s almost “there.” Now I KNOW I wasn’t almost there-I was 2 min into it, but I knew mentally, my mind was shutting down and giving up. We had a little chat…I’m not sure what I said to her, but I kept going, ignoring her plight for me to stop. I remembered all those pics of those hot tatted chicks. I remembered Dr. John Douilliard’s breathing…when I slowed the pace at the 5-min mark, I reset my breathing. Once it was back to nasal breathing only, I sped up a bit. Then it was time to run again. Really? Ughhhhh. There was no nasal breathing that day-and I’m sorry dr., I just didn’t care. I needed to accomplish something bigger, and that was fighting my powerful mind, that wanted to give up. We learned in martial arts, the mind will give up way before the brain. Ah yes! So true. Stay focused-use whatever tricks needed. Stay on that machine and burn! Yes, I got thru the run, and felt good-went to work legs only on the machines, stretched and was thrilled I had made it. Ok, no short workout there like I had planned, but hey-there’s something abt some good old fashioned iron, that just keeps me trapped at a gym (as long as I’m properly warmed up lol). So when you feel like quitting, don’t – just push harder. xo And here are pics of those tatted hot chicks, to which I keep referring!




Creative Visualization

This post has nothing to do with our “normal” posts…it actually seems that Barb and I are morphing into something much different lately, in our writings. Lovely for you, because quite frankly, who wants to read about a couple of broads talking about diet and exercise all the time? So we’ll keep you amused by writing about the REST of life!

Case in point…I was talking to Barb last week about something that has COMPLETELY slipped my mind, and I said I wanted to write about the dream I have, of a wellness center. Two days later, a friend up here that I’ve lost a bit of contact with, posted a “random” comment on a FB pic, regarding this same wellness center, saying I should post a pic of it on Pinterest…which I will, later. There are a couple of photos at the end, and I apologize for them not being a better quality – I just don’t have the energy to take good pics right now. And I’d like your imagination to run a bit, as I describe it.

Years ago, I was introduced to a CD called “Creative Visualization,” by Shakti Gawain. It’s a lengthy CD on focusing your intention and getting a clear VISUAL of your dream. I used to jog to it almost daily, envisioning in vivid detail, where Rob and I lived in NYC, and how our day went. Within 30 days, my house was on the market, sold, and we were on Long Island. It literally took 30 days to make this happen, in a failing real estate market. Never doubt the power of your mind. And it’s not coincidence, because I practice this on a regular basis, and it always works for me.

So I have a vision of a Wellness Center that I’ll run, one day. I recently took a walk up here, and went through the motions of getting a grant for it. I had a couple of investors in the place, so I needed to explain to them, how the place ran, how we trained people, what our mission was, what we did in the center, etc. Until this walk, I was a bit “stuck” in the visual. I knew what the building looked like on the inside, what services we offered, but had no idea how to get a more clear idea on MY role, or how I fit in. Ask your mind the correct question, and it will supply an answer. Your mind is the most powerful computer there is – there is NO problem that it can’t solve, given the correct input. All I needed to do, was ask how I could get a clear aspect of my duties, how I could clear the block I was having, and get into Nature. My mind supplied the answer, by coming up with investors, that I needed to give explicit details to, so they would fund an expansion.

The Wellness Center is located on a street that I cannot quite view – I FEEL it to be brick and not heavily crowded, and that the outside of the building is stone. I know no more than that. We’ll walk thru the glass front door together, so you see what I see…BTW-I don’t own it…I am the Creative Consultant, who has pieced it together tirelessly, and makes sure it runs like a well-oiled machine. I have a large staff to help, but I am the main person responsible for the menu planning, and workshop/class scheduling.

When you walk in, you are in the heart of the cafe area – prob about 40×40′ in dimension. To your immediate right, is another glass door, leading to a small waiting area, for the upstairs rooms (back to that, in a bit). To your left, is a coffee/tea bar. A large, squishy love-seat is against the wall, with a round carpet that lies beneath a round, short coffee table in front of it. There are two large, squishy chairs across from the love-seat. Further to the left and in the corner, sits the actual coffee/tea counter. Here you find the wide array of coffee’s and milks (think Starbucks), as well as flavored herbal teas. The difference is that my staff is trained to also create medicinal herbal teas. Have a cold? We’ll concoct something with lavender, nettles, comfrey, astragalus, etc. A cough? How about some mugwort/cronewort? You can have a cup only, but we recommend trying a cup, and taking some home, so you can continue the herbal therapy when you leave.

The middle of the room is wide-open–only the walls have their space utilized…I’m a huge fan of the wide world of EMPTY! The wall furthest from you, sits a few high tables, that have two high-seated chairs each. The tables are pushed against the wall, which sponsors art work from local artists, changing monthly, and all for sale. In the back area, comes my favorite part…the deli area. There’s a free-standing salad bar in from of the deli counter…but no ordinary salad bar. The toppings are all raw food, organic and vegan. Dehydrated and seasoned sunflower seeds, flax croutons, etc. You get the base of the salad at the counter, and add some toppings to it (all sold by the pound, of course). The deli counter has healthy versions of the classics – pasta salads, rice dishes, tofu dishes, beans, etc. etc. You can order from here (again, sold by weight), or order a specialty from the back. Wraps, sandwiches, raw food dishes…all vegan (I’m not vegan, it just happens to make life much easier in the restaurant biz, if you keep it simple.

Agains the furthest wall of the deli, sits the counter and a juice/smoothie bar. Again, make up your own concoction, or have one of our special blends. Oooo, best yet? The DRIVE-THRU/PICK UP window, on the far back-left corner! The menu is much more limited for this area of the deli, but hey–healthy eaters deserve a grab-n-go lunch! (If you’ve ever had the pleasure to frequent Evo’s in St. Pete, you know what I mean…if you haven’t had the pleasure, google em!) Our kitchen is obviously large, and separated into sections. Huge fridge’s and freezer’s, and designated gluten-free, soy-free, and raw areas. Same as my kitchen is here, when I cook. No cross-contamination, though there is obviously a risk, since the space is open, and air moves. But we do our best. We also serve Ayurvedic food, and create meal plans for the clients of the nutritionist upstairs. My office is next to the kitchen, and is fairly small. My desk, a bookshelf, plants, a computer, some small photos on the wall. Nest to my office sits two bathrooms (directly under the ones upstairs, which helps with the plumbing, obviously). Across the tiny hall from the restrooms, sits the elevator that goes upstairs. Heading back to the front of the bottom floor, you’ll find the skin care products I make, sitting on shelves against the wall. (OK, I created them–at this point, I’m not making them and labeling them, as I do now lol!) The staff is fully trained in every area-a week in each department downstairs, and are placed according to their talents, abilities and dreams.

When you get to the front of the building again, the glass door on your (now) left, goes to the small waiting room. Here, people wait for their appt’s upstairs, or the kids play a bit (quietly and supervised!), while the family member is upstairs. We have books on wellness, magazines, class schedules, and appt info…soft but lively music. There is no TV in the entire center, and computers are VERY limited…MAYBE one, for reference, and the one I use, and the one the staff uses upstairs. The stairs lead up to a small hallway…on one side of the hall (on your left, as you arrive upstairs), sits a hallway with 4 rooms. One for a nutritionist, one as a therapy room (massage, acupuncture, reiki, etc.), one for a colonhydrotherapist, and one for…I forget lol. There are sound machines in front of each room, for privacy. To the front of you, sits the restrooms…to the right, a big, open room, with hardwood floors. Here, you can take yoga classes, pilates, dance, or other forms of low-impact/highly vitalizing fitness classes. There are mirrors on two sides, with rails (think dance studio), one wall is plain, and the wall that is street-side, is a full window. There are heavy velvet curtains, floor-to-ceiling, that are dark purple and maroon. They are open for fitness classes, and are pulled along a track in the ceiling, for workshops/meditations – they will completely drown out any natural light, and absorb sound beautifully.

Needless to say, you can see why I need investors…and now for the rough sketches…so tell me, how clear is your dream, and what will you visually create in your life? 😉 Have a peaceful night! xo



Love, Move, Nourish

Simply Nourish, Move, Love

Nourish: I’ll post pics of the food later in the day, so you get an idea of what I’m talking about in this blog. For now, I’ll just say that my caloric intake was higher than my app said it should be, and I still managed to lose .5 pound. Thank heavens–but imagine what I’d be losing, if I was staying 100% on track!?! Something interesting about this app, though – I have noticed (as Barb has also commented) that I am getting a bit obsessed with the amount of calories in food…ie, I will now look at a package or the app, and see “what I have left.” Good: I am aware of what I’m eating. Bad: I’m becoming more concerned at times, with the QUANTITY of calories, vs. the QUALITY of calories–my biggest bitch, about ppl who are counting calories. For instance…egg whites are a scant of calories, so I can load up with those for breakfast, and add some spinach and a bit of parm, for taste and texture. But is this healthier than the kale/banana smoothie, that will weigh in with more calories, b/c of the vitamin shake I put in there? Not at all–but I may opt for it, if I know I’ll have a heavier dinner and/or be drinking or not exercising. Good: it is encouraging me to work out more. Bad: This is sometimes an excuse to eat a bit more calories for dinner, which is NOT the goal! The goal is to eat more calories during the day, not save them for dinner, when it’s harder to lose them (due to sleep, and the natural cycle of the body). Good: I’m getting more protein, now that I’m focused on it, and have the app to help. Bad: I’m still not getting enough potassium-geezus, this is a hard nutrient to get…3 dates have a lot of potassium, but are almost 200 calories, themselves! (See what I mean about the qty vs quality of calories above?). I’m also not learning to keep track of protein intake as Tosca says, by having it at every meal…I’m relying on the app to tell me. For this week, I’m going to stick with the app, b/c I have too much going on right now, to worry about THAT being a goal. I’ll simply add more of those potassium-rich foods to my daily diet, and see if I can up the content (since some are naturally higher in protein, as well–did some research on that one, and made a happy little grid–that’s what I do lol).

Move: Loving this run thing, a bit–b/c I’m staying focused on breathing, and it keeps me focused on the actual workout, and my body/it’s reaction to the workout. It’s a SLOW process, though, and makes you not necessarily burn as many calories (here we go, with THAT again!). Once you take a mouth-breath, you go back to 0 incline and a walking pace, until your heart rate is back to normal. I must look like a complete geek at the gym, with my armband for the music, watching the treadmill and adjusting it, taking pics of the final workout, and keeping track of my heart rate thru the watch on my wrist. But in all honesty, I couldn’t care less, and maybe it will inspire someone to not just jump on a treadmill and start running (I’m perplexed at the improper workouts ppl do, just so they can burn calories or build muscle–I see what all the books are talking about, when they warn of injury!). This week’s goal is to get to the gym 3x, since this is where I do my running and full-body strength training. Home is meant for balance ball and walking in the am, which should commence this week, since I’m more alert (more protein)-it’s too damned hot here now, to do running outside…I am NOT in shape to be running in the heat! Note: did the bike at the gym on Saturday, and am not sore as I expected, nor did I burn enough calories in that amount of time. Next time I do it, I’ll pick the bike that has a spin class program in it, and will not be reading, like I did last week! Saturday’s are PERFECT for the gym, as it seems no one ever wants to be there on a Saturday–so I can have whatever machines I want, for as long as I want! 🙂

Love: I’m reading to diff books, the Zen Keys and Quiet (a book on being an introvert in an extrovert society). Though seemingly different, they are both helping me to find peace and acceptance for myself, and the world outside of myself. Zen starts with the inward self, and is…difficult to obtain, in our western world. We simply can’t “live” as a Zen monk does-nor can we go to workshops or monasteries, to practice it as needed. But there is a way to incorporate it in our lives, and I’m determined to find out how. I’ve always been curious about other religions or philosophies, and have yet to find one that I resonate with 100%. This seems good so far, which is more than I can say for most. It’s based off of Indian Buddhism, but started in China…I’m at the very beginning stages of understanding and absorbing the information, but I love the idea of detachment/non-judgement. The idea of inter-connectedness to everything and nothing, at the same time.

The Quiet book is a much simpler read, and is as insightful as the Zen book, in a different way. I’ve felt uncomfortable all my life, in many, many different aspects. As if I never fit in (and truthfully, don’t). I didn’t dress the same, I felt as if I belonged in a different era (whether it was the 60’s in high school, or perhaps the 20’s) – I sometimes wore clothes or shoes as a child, that older women wore–some of these were by choice, some were because we just couldn’t afford much else & these were handed down from the ladies at the church. I was never “good enough” to be a singer, though I was enrolled in an art school for vocal studies, in high school. I had severe stage fright, so picking theatre as a degree in college, seemed silly. But I love the arts, and getting a business degree was boring and out-of-the-question. I wasn’t artistic enough (in my mind), but was TOO artistic, for the “normal” classes. I was smart, but not smart enough to be in honors classes (though when applying myself, maintained honor-level grades, in advanced classes).

I’ve spent the majority of my 30’s digging deep within my past, my habits, my neurosis’, my negative patterns, my abuse and my parents lack of ability to be “perfect parents, like all my friend’s had” (ha!)–to become an enlightened and better person, to clear out some karma, and come back as a more advanced being, in the next life (yes, I DEEPLY believe in reincarnation and karma). I’ve done soul-retrievals and meditations to get over fears and business hindrances (fear of public speaking, b/c it’s a “must” to speak in public if you want to succeed, and I must find out what past patterns have come back, so I can conquer them). I’ve had astrological readings that made me aware that I came into this life, with these challenges of growing up (yes, I believe that we choose our lives before birth, knowing what needs to be accomplished in this life and picking the obstacles that will help us achieve this. I do not believe in FATE–I believe we chose our destiny, and create our future. I believe there is a higher power that is greater than us, that rewards us, and kicks us in the ass (not PUNISHING US), when we vere a bit off track from all we’ve accomplished so far.

Taking a step back–a soul retrieval is when you go to past lives, to find out the lessons you need to learn. My therapist is also a shaman, so she goes into a trance, goes into past lives and brings back “splinters,” so to speak. Fragments of your past, that you need to address and honor in this life, so that you become more of a whole and enlightened being. In past lives, there was a common pattern (as I was able to discern after spending hours in thought and meditation, looking for answers of each of these people she brought forth). Common theme? I never felt comfortable in past lives, was excommunicated for beliefs or being a heretic/witch, or consciously left my town/tribe, b/c I felt people were not paying me my worth. These are challenges I face in this life, which my therapist didn’t know (I was seeing her for completely different issues of abuse and self-doubt; we never discussed this stuff…and yes, I am by nature a sceptic, so though these spiritual people are close friends of mine, they need to “prove” their talents to me–I like to be sensually aware of a higher power-through sight, auditory or any other physical means).

So, we had the first filming of the tattoo commercial yesterday. And I had my first dose of “if anything can go wrong on a shoot, it will”-thank goddess my husband wants to be a movie director, and has studied this phenomenon over and over. While I’ve learned he is the WORST person to sometimes have around me in the midst of a panic attack/stressful situation (he typically feeds INTO the hysteria, and doesn’t solve it), once he gets out of his emotions, he is a work horse. And the way he flips out is actually a bit more productive in the directing world, than how I can be a pushover/empathetic/sympathetic. I tend to let people walk on me in the past, and he is the LAST person who will let anyone walk over him. So as much as I hate being in that moment of an anxiety attack and dealing with him as well, I know it’s a temporary moment, and we will find balance in it all. Yesterday’s debauchery of a situation? Our shoot was scheduled for 9am…we were filming and photographing the process of me getting tattooed.

The healing process will be used in the commercial, to show that I am a human who gets tattooed and makes the salve (not a lab guy who knows nothing about ink, or healing), and to also show that my product is better, b/c it is organic and natural. At 7 when I woke up, I had a vm from my videographer, that he had personal trouble and couldn’t make it. What!?! There’s no way I can postpone this shoot–the tat has to be healed by the next shoot, and any delays will throw off the schedule. So I made a cpl of calls for advice, and we managed to get the photographer to take stills AND run the video a bit. My videographer pulled through and got us the lighting and camera we needed…so all is well. Sort of. The photographer likes to show me what he’s shooting, to make sure I like the feel (of course I do, that’s why I picked him–I LOVE his work!). But there was a pic of me he asked for as a close-up, and I nearly died, when I saw it. I saw nothing but a receding hairline (see prev blogs lol)! He can’t possibly show this pic, and I need serious help before the next shoot, else a headband! I have two weeks to get back to a full head of hair–while cutting it close, it will probably happen. Yes, you can style your hair differently, to cover any loss, but in a photo shoot that is outdoors, if the wind blows, hairstyle is not going to save you…and if everyone else looks great, you have to keep the shot.

Back to the Quiet book–I’ve struggled and am trying to conquer the fear of showing my face. I’ve had photo shoots done and put up the pics (even the one’s I’m not 100% crazy about), and I’m working on a commercial for a tattoo salve I make–with my voice and my face, though I originally fought all three men working with me on this project, and wanted Barb to do the speaking, and my face to never be seen. I think of myself as Oz…behind the curtain, but there nonetheless, wise and powerful. I also do workshop and vending events for my products now, becoming more and more comfortable with Joe Q. Public. Do I enjoy all this? Not much…but here’s lesson one that I’ve learned from this book. IT’S OK. I don’t need to do everything Tony Robbins says (she thankfully discusses him in great detail, and went to one of his seminars for research of the book, herself being a closet-introvert). I am OK the way I am (though I admittedly will have more passion for my products than anyone, and am the best salesman–but I need to be able to interact and teach OTHERS that passion, so I can grow. I need distributors, and being able to connect with people is important to me). A lot of this “feeling out of place” has to do with being an introvert–perhaps some of the abuse I suffered as a child (physical, emotional and mental) was also a result of being an introvert–no one understands you, you’re the weird and quiet kid, who needs to be more active in sports and in class. You need to speak up more in corporate america, so you don’t look lazy.

No. No, I don’t. I am more comfy spilling my guts to all of you, than in a workshop of ten people. I will tell all of YOU, of the deepest struggles, and thereby overcome them, and perhaps empower you to be more…well, YOU. That’s OK–we introverts make up a mass amount of the population, though we are forced to keep it hidden, in this society. But we are powerful “thinkers,” and move the world along in greater and more powerful ways than some extroverts ever will. So would I rather say no to a frivolous night of drinking with friends, and stay cuddled up with a book or Rob? Would I rather seem anti-social and closeted? Sure. And I’m a bit more comfortable with myself this week, in knowing that. So please…do what it takes to be more comfortable with yourself, and not feel like there’s something “wrong with you, that must be fixed.” We are all perfect, in our own way.

Love, Move, Nourish


Let’s talk a few about resentment (I should say, I’ll talk, you read and see how it resonates with you). Resentment: a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury. Feeling wronged, whether real or imagined.

I have some of that…today in particular, it is just burning inside of me. I actually woke up, with that word in my head (or should I say when I finally got out of bed, it was in my head). I haven’t been sleeping well lately, so I’m very tired and cranky. It’s also about 85 here in the lovely Island of Long, New York…VERY unseasonably warm. It’ll pass, but nonetheless, when it’s over 72 degrees, I’m not feeling so hot. Ireland weather is really the best thing Rob and I have found, yet!

I have resentment because I have neglected writing you, which means I am neglecting ME. This is MY time to vent, MY time to share how life is, MY time to talk about what I’ve been trying, doing, feeling, eating, or how I’ve been moving. You have guessed the pattern with Barb and I, if you’ve been following. No blog=not on track. Not fully, anyway. I think her and I have finally arrived at a point when we can’t fall TOO BADLY off the wagon, but it’s still “off.”

My MIL was in town for the last two weeks, for our FIL’s funeral. She was with us off and on, and it was coupled with Memorial Day wknd, which meant weird days off for everyone. Except me. Restaurants needed their food Tues am, which meant I worked. MIL was in town, which meant I ate less-than-desirable, bc of course, we have to take her to all the fav places that she hasn’t been to since she moved, about 19 years ago.

I overbooked myself for the last 2-3 weeks . I fell off the workaholic wagon, and had a 2-week period with no day off. This doesn’t work well for me anymore, as I’ve managed to do well with giving myself some downtime and rest. Working this much means that I have no time to exercise, b/c there’s always “business to be done.” Rob and I are also revamping our entire backyard/garden, since we didn’t have time to do shit last year, b/c of the wedding (so that’s an every-Sunday-task).

Let me get my damn pity party out of the way, so I can move on, already! I’m writing a business plan, which I’ve neglected for 2 years in finishing, since it’s such a painful process. I actually went to a workshop last week, to get motivated and get some tips. I’m also working on a press kit, as Barb knows (she edited a lot of it, for me). I’m trying to get certified with NYS as a woman-owned business–this is NO easy task, and required me to create a cpl of financial docs that I’ve not seen, since working for a bonding company in FL, back in 2003! No current accountant+not claiming 90% of what my business makes=doing it on my own (shocking). I’m testing/creating a couple of new products, while trying to slowly sell the old stuff, so I can fund new labels for my product line. I’m streamlining the meals I make, so deliveries are less of a PIA for me (eve’s, rather than morn, which gets me to work late, and then makes me leave work late, shortening or eliminating gym time after the evening deliveries). I also need a set schedule, to eliminate surprise orders and me just forgetting to buy/do something, b/c I’m overworked.

I am still doing workshops every 3 weeks with my friend, on the Ayurvedic stuff–she created the workshops, but we have things we give away at the workshop, that need to be created and put together. We’re still doing the body therapy and getting together on Saturday’s, though I called off last week, b/c I was just too burnt and needed to shift focus on MY business, for a bit. She’s looking to grow and do intakes for clients, which I’m pushing back on a bit, since I just don’t have the time right now (and mind you, she’s a workaholic as well, and I believe she has less time than me! Rob pushes me to stop here and there–I’m not sure her husband does). April-July is my busiest season–raw food and tattoo salve sales skyrocket, and honestly, the funds are always needed. Last year, wedding. This year, product branding and marketing. And a trip to Holland, in 3 months!

Needless to say, I have not exercised like I want–and yes, enjoy–in the last 3 weeks (month?). I have not eaten as well as I should. I am tired, wake with a sore throat, don’t sleep soundly (I’m the best sleeper I know), and I’m having dreams about overbooking or being in an accident, etc.–anything that causes anxiety. I am actually dreaming non-stop it seems, though only a tiny portion are anxiety-based. It’s just enough for me to know I’m reaching max overload, and need some me time. All that self-love massaging before bed? Gone! I’m just too tired.

Yes, this will pass. And yes, I’ve had enough therapy to know that every single issue above, is of my own creation. I have put myself in this boat, and will get myself out of it soon. I’m resentful because I spend more time creating and planning healthy meals for everyone else, than I do for us. I’m resentful because I’m spending more time working, and no time being active. I’m resentful because I work almost 7 days a week, and don’t have the time to relax. I’m resentful because I have allowed all of this to happen.

I thought about calling Barb, or a nutritional counselor I found, for advice. But why? Ah, so I could reach out for the attention and never follow thru? Do I NEED Barb to give me another pocket workout? Do I need a counselor to tell me what to eat or how to love myself? I have a Masters degree! I work with a friend who teaches me more and more about the Ayurvedic philosophy every week–so I know my body type and what works, and what’s in season. So why am I seeking advice that will cost me $ and MORE TIME, when I have all the knowledge inside of me? This is Grace, btw–the gift of healing, that I feel I don’t deserve (but in fact, DO deserve, else I wouldn’t have it!). So I’m venting now (feeling a bit better already)–I was going to the gym today after work and was so exhausted, I said fuck it-I’ll blog. I’ll vent, and look for foods for US…not stores. I’ll spend time decompressing, so I’m back in the swing of it tmrw. Mentally in the swing, and emotionally–because that’s where it starts.

Next week’s goals are simple…I’m switching to am workouts, since I can’t seem to sleep past 6, anyway. The sun rises early here early (peaks up about 5, as we found out this morning!), so there’s no reason for me to sleep. My body is naturally waking, so I’m going to stop fighting it. And I’m tired now–it’s 9:30-who cares if I go to bed? Does anyone even know? I plan on probably cutting back coffee next week, too-it’s getting too warm for my travel mug of hot liquid, and it’s not as yummy as it has been, in the past–I’ll be fine with one cup. It’ll allow me to start sucking own more water and herbal teas that I need, anyway. I’m finding new recipes for us for dinner and 1 or 2 rotating meals for my lunch–I have no problem eating the same salad 2 days in a row–I have a problem with boredom of food right now. All of it. I’m nearing a liquid detox again, tho fighting it–it’s super easy to do and feels good, but I’m afraid I’m doing it to lose quick weight–not my goal.

So let’s see what Tosca has in her “Recharged” book, and Mr. Brown has in his Tassajara cookbook…it’s time to put the Zen back in my life… ❤

Love, Move, Nourish

Who knows where this shall lead…

Let’s get the details out of the way, first. I’m going to see if I can post the photos of food/exercise at the end of this, if possible…we shall see! Last week…no weight lost, I don’t measure inches every week, because frankly, I doubt you lose inches in a week…so that will be next week. No worries about the lack of weight loss-I still exercised, and it now just makes me feel good, so I don’t really care if I’m losing weight every week. I know it will happen when it’s ready, when the season changes up here, etc. etc.. Until then, I just enjoy the process.

Goals from last week…eh…did OK. I only managed to eat before/at 8:30 about 2-3 nights. It’s AMAZING, how hard that is, when you have the schedule we have. But it’s not impossible, so it will again be on the goal list for this week. I did manage to eat salads a bit for lunch, but also had a couple of days of leftover soups from the batches I make for the store, so it was just inevitable that I was going to eat it. And with it still being a bit cool here, I just made them a bit lighter, and it felt good. Side note: Rob and I have noticed that every time we are off the wagon with food on ANY LEVEL, it just causes absolute mayhem in our body–so we’re being forced to eat a bit better. Example–we had one of those Starbucks iced latte drinks (you know, the one’s at 7-11, in the glass bottle?). We both HATED it! We used to live on these, but haven’t had it in prob 6 months or more? It tasted like milk and fake sweets…we simply deplore the “gack” taste of milk, so those are off the list. We had veggie Chinese food (cute lil restaurant here in town, that we walked to on Fri), and diner food last night (made up for that cheat, by today not being a cheat day)–heartburn and stomach issues. And this food was NOTHING, compared to what we used to eat, OR the amounts!

So I’m looking forward to the two day liquid detox this week (smoothies and raw soups)–it’s finally the season for it, and I’m in the mindset to focus on the season change (mid season from spring to summer, is May 2). And I’ll take the metabolic boost and rest on my digestion, thank you!

Moving…last week? Well–never managed to get up early–I was too tired in the a.m., for some reason (cycle? Late to bed? Late to eat? Full moon?). Who knows, but we’re trying again for that, this week! I did manage to walk a bit in the eve to make up for it, but that’s not an adequate excuse. I did have 4 nights of gym/home workout, but I still need the am walks in nature AND more abs…one night is just not enough! I never considered that on Saturday’s, I do an hour-long body therapy, that is also an exercise of sorts (you stand a lot in a squat/horse stance (karate) position, and sway back and forth, in the motions)–so I’m thankful for the extra bonus of exercise, which I will NOT count as actual exercise. Today? We did gardening from about 10:30-4. Obv, we went to the store for plants, etc. but I am BUSHED. I can feel some back/hamstring issues arising for tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the DMV to register Rob’s car, then food prep and then working on a commercial for the tat salve I make. Tues-work at the office 9-5, then meet with the gang to review about the commercial (after squeezing in the gym). Wed, 9-1 at the office, food prep and maybe a nice, long walk with Rob, or a walk/run on my own–throw in abs, tho. Thurs…office 9-5, and I feel like there’s something else I have planned in the eve? Fri…9-5 at the office, food prep. Sat…TBD, honestly. Lots to do, but I have to see what’s going on with everyone else’s schedule.

Spiritual…I actually meditated/journeyed on Thurs (the full moon). It was a Wesak moon (full moon of Buddha), so all energy was focused on what holds you back on a spiritual aspect, and releasing that to Buddha, asking for his assistance. Well, from the lil tidbits I had here and there, we’re still on that Chiron issue, of being different. I do NOT like being different, per se. I am, and always have been. It’s not comfy for me, and I’m trying to just allow and accept it. So that was the goal of the meditation…asking Buddha to take that fear, and help me move forward (no, I’m not a Buddhist–when I refer to an entity/person that existed, it is their persona I am asking for guidance). So I set my timer on my phone, and just took breaths for 5 minutes, focusing on that only. Seemed to go a bit quicker than I hoped, and I thought maybe I set the timer for 3 minutes…”no worries, keep going as planned.” I then went into my temple (a place I created years ago in my mind, which is a safe and beautiful temple of white marble), and asked for Buddha’s assistance. He took me up (never went that way before!), over a stream, and dropped my fears in the water below. Great! Then he said I needed to write affirmations/reminders every day, that it was OK to be different, I was wonderful the way I am, etc. Still haven’t done that exactly, but it’s here on paper, so to speak. 😉

I did manage to do the self massage before bed, and have been having crazy, vivid dreams. More and more on the level of being intuitive, which AGAIN, is very uncomfortable for me. But hey-I am who I am, so I might as well just roll with this, and see what comes of it all! I plan on breathing more this week-I started reading the book on breathing more efficiently, in hopes of running, enjoying it, and not having that itchy lung/asthma feeling, the next day! But it takes a bit of retraining, so I have to start now, if I want to run in a couple of months lol! I thought this morn, how grateful I am to have had singing lessons for 4.5 years–I wasn’t accepted into that school because I was meant to sing. I was accepted, so I could learn to BREATHE. Breath (I had a session on this, with an AMAZING woman) is a way for us to accept the life force/Universal energy/love inside of us. When you are hurt, scared, or in a state of panic, what’s the first thing you do? Hold your breath–it’s the worst thing TO do, as it makes the pain worse (I’ve tested this theory quite a bit, with all the tattoo work I’ve had done on me). The best thing, is to breathe into the pain, and thru it.

I was abused as a child–there’s a lot of holding in of breath, that happened. I’ve never learned to allow the life force in much–until high school (which I never realized, until today). That was where I learned diaphragmatic breathing, deep into the lower lobes of the lungs. Unfortunately, I didn’t utilize it properly, because I’ve never felt worthy of a breath. A bit sad, but true. Until now. I’m slowly learning to breathe, and will now study it intently, in this book. So the goals for next week are the same as last week, with adding the two days of liquids to it, in honor of the mid-season change. Now for pics of last week’s process!








Love, Move, Nourish

Early Post/Goals Next Week

I’ll start this early, since I’m not sure I’ll have time, and I need to kill some time, so my dinner can digest. There’s a HORRIBLE habit Rob and I have, of eating late…we both work until about 7-8, so we usually start dinner and eat late. This week’s been worse than usual, prob about…ten…that was painful to admit! OK, we usually stay up 2-3 hours after that, but that again, is a vicious cycle of mine. I (try to) wake at 6:30, and going to bed at 12, doesn’t make that so easy. That’s eliminated my lovely morning walks for the last two weeks…

Despite the not-so clean food (not the worst, but not the best as you can see by photos), and the slight dip in exercise, I did write down some measurements, and I’ve lost about 2″ around my waist, 1-1/2″ around my hips, and .5 around my arms. Gained about a .25″ in my calves, but I’m quite OK with that. Nothing lost in my chest, and I’m ok with THAT, too lol. I’ve lost about 7 pounds since starting about 3 months ago.

Are these the amazing stats you expect on a Sensa commercial? No, but those numbers aren’t typical (read the fine print)–so these are real numbers, of someone who hasn’t made that much of a diet change, but increased moving. I’ve never had a 100% clean diet in the last few years, but it’s not too much of a change, from what it is now. OK, I eat more soups, less carbs and cheeses, and more whole foods, but I haven’t eliminated anything major. So I can’t complain much, and am grateful to my body, for just releasing what it has. And getting me closer to that goal, of that drawing of me (with no head, Barb! lol), firm, in a sleeveless shirt, and linen yoga pants.

Move: we’re nearing Rob’s mother’s visit, and I need 4 more pounds, to get to the 10lb goal I wanted before she came. So it’s high gear time…I am going to walk 3 days next week in the am, and go to the gym/workout from home 3 other times (the normal routine, I’ve come to love so much). I actually ran for .4 miles the other day, b/c I wanted to…I am sooooo not the running type, and actually fought the urge. I gave in, and felt amazing! And sore, the next day…of course! I forgot it works your obliques to run–that’s the only reason I’d keep doing it! lol But then…the lung pain started. That itchy feeling I get, every so often. I was hoping it was allergies (my skin’s been a bit dry, which is a plus, as opposed to sneezing and being sick!)-well, it wasn’t around today, so it wasn’t allergies. 😦 Time to bring out the running book, and start training, like I’ve wanted to for yrs!

Nourish: Stick with the am shakes only, and switch to more salads for lunch. I’ve been having soups, but they are starting to feel heavy to me (It’s getting warmer)–next week, I’ll do 3-4 days of raw liquids, since it’s finally warm enough for it. When the food goes in the vitamix, it’s easy enough for me to digest…but next week, I’ll start with salads for lunch. I’m also not eating after 8:30–I told Rob tonight about this, b/c it’s just getting painful for me, now. So it’s time to eliminate that. I also need to get to sleep by 10:30, so I’m UP at 6:30 for my walk.

Love: I want to start doing self massages a couple of nights a week, before I go to bed. Nothing crazy, just 5 minutes while I’m lying here in bed, relaxing. I also want to do more meditation/visualization, which is hard before bed – but if I’m in bed by ten or so, it won’t be a problem. Just a couple of nights to start with. Ah…I have lost the urge to drink–I get a twinge here and there, but it wins maybe every 2 weeks, now. I’ve come to understand that the urge was just a further distraction, since I was so miserable working so much. I’ve stopped doing as much physical work, am forcing time for me, am focusing more on the mental work of my business, and spend more time with Rob, dreaming of the future and loving…

Pics to be posted Sunday…until then, tmrw will be a clean day of food! Have a beautiful weekend!
